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The Future of Spades: Professional Play Begins Now

Discover the First-Ever Professional Spades League in the World

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We believe that spades is more than just a game; it’s a sport that deserves recognition and respect. Our vision is to create a league that not only showcases the best spades talent but also inspires a new generation of players. By fostering a professional and inclusive environment, we aim to make spades a household name in the world of competitive sports.

Let's Play!


Spades Family

Hearts Family

Clubs Family

Diamonds Family



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How to Play Spades

Our Spades is similar to  a classic game.  Starts with four players in partnerships. The game is played with a standard 52-card deck, and the goal is to be the first team to reach a set number of points of 250.


  1. Teams: Divide into two teams of two players each. Partners sit across from each other.
  2. Deck: Use a standard 52-card deck. Includes Big & Small Joker, 2 of Diamond, 2 of Spade
  3. Deal: they are random and auto. Players will just grab the coin to start deal


  1. Bid Phase: Starting with the player to the dealer’s left and proceeding clockwise, each player bids the number of tricks they expect to win. Minimum of 2 hand bid per person.   A trick is won by having the highest card of the suit led or the highest spade if spades are played.
  2. Nil Bids:  None
  3. Team Bids: The bids of each team’s members are combined to form the team’s bid. For example, if one partner bids 3 and the other bids 4, the team’s bid is 7.

Playing the Game

  1. Leading: The player to the dealer’s left leads the first trick by playing any card except a spade. Spades cannot be led until they have been “broken” (played in a previous trick).
  2. Following Suit: Players must follow the suit led if possible. If a player cannot follow suit, they can play a spade or any other suit.
  3. Winning Tricks: The highest card of the suit led wins the trick unless a spade is played. In that case, the highest spade wins. If multiple spades are played, the highest spade wins.
  4. Breaking Spades: Spades are “broken” when a player cannot follow suit and plays a spade. After this, spades can be led in subsequent tricks.


  1. Meeting Bids: If a team meets or exceeds their combined bid, they earn 10 points per trick bid. For example, if the team bid 7 and wins 8 tricks, they score 70 points.
  2. Overtricks (Sandbags): Any tricks won beyond the bid count as overtricks or sandbags. Each overtrick adds 1 point to the team’s score. However, accumulating 10 sandbags results in a 100-point penalty.
  3. Falling Short: If a team fails to meet their bid, they lose 10 points for each trick they bid.

Winning the Game

The game continues until a team reaches the predetermined score, usually 250 points. The team with the highest score at the end of the game wins.

Tips for Playing Spades

  1. Communication: Non-verbal communication and strategy discussions with your partner before the game can help improve your gameplay.
  2. Card Counting: Keep track of which cards have been played to make better decisions on which cards to play.
  3. Balancing Risk: When bidding, be realistic about the number of tricks you can take. Overbidding can lead to penalties.